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Jose Mussi

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  • OS06 - Advancing Frameworks for Patient Engagement (ID 6)

    • Event: e-Health 2017 Virtual Meeting
    • Type: Oral Session
    • Track: Clinical
    • Presentations: 1
    • Coordinates: 6/05/2017, 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM, Room 203CD
    • OS06.02 - How to Liberate PHI and Promote Digital Health Innovation  (ID 244)

      Jose Mussi, PwC Canada; Toronto/CA

      • Abstract
      • Slides

      Purpose/Objectives: Digital health solutions can positively disrupt and transform healthcare but innovators still face many challenges. Among the most common issues we find the lack of access to personal health information stored in EHRs. There are several legacy reasons why this is still the case, but the time has come to change this situation. Patients must have the right to electronically access their data and use it as they wish. This presentation will describe recent research on digital health and provide ideas on how to improve on the level of data liquidity and its impact to the innovation ecosystem. It addresses the main issues required for the implementation of broad data access across large healthcare domains, including: - policies and incentives - privacy and security - technology and innovation - data and interoperability standards - adoption and change management The presentation concludes with suggested approaches and roadmap for a successful liberation of health data.

      Methodology/Approach: This work involved: 1) national and international scan of digital health initiatives and experiences 2) oral interviews and written surveys with over 50 professionals and health leaders in Canada and internationally 3) creation of a digital health framework centred on consumer solutions 4) development of 5 level maturity scale for data fluidity of digital solutions 5) implementation roadmap and recommendations for an open API for enabling broad access to health data 6) identification of key adoption enablers, including policies, standards and health information platforms

      Finding/Results: There are clear and present challenges to accessing health data. Although there are significant amounts of digital data today, in hospital and clinic systems, in regional and provincial repositories, these are almost always locked in and under tight control by the organizations and their IT departments. These constraints are frequently identified as one of the key barriers to innovation. There are many reasons for this situation, the most common explanations being: - privacy laws and policies - technical limitations of existing systems - concerns about security breaches - lack of trusted digital ID sources for patients and consumers - lack of appropriate standards and adoption At the same time, a new generation of digital health solutions are challenging the status quo and continuously pushing the envelope of what is possible. New approaches and compromises are required to meet the increasing consumer demand for their health data.

      Conclusion/Implication/Recommendations: Several factors have conspired positively to change the current state and allow new ideas that increase data liquidity without compromising privacy or security of this information: - health consumer ready and willing to make use of this information - active ecosystem capable of developing new solutions and services with access to PHI - new lightweight health standards suited for web/mobile applications - advanced tools to protect large data - need to improve quality/cost effectiveness of healthcare services The recommendations cover a series of complementary actions, addressing both short and mid term: - policies on patient's rights to their data - increasing maturity levels of data fluidity - open APIs - health innovation platforms as accelerators

      140 Character Summary: Liberating health data is a fundamental requisite to promote innovative digital health solutions

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