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Saeed Samet

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  • OS06 - Advancing Frameworks for Patient Engagement (ID 6)

    • Event: e-Health 2017 Virtual Meeting
    • Type: Oral Session
    • Track: Clinical
    • Presentations: 1
    • Coordinates: 6/05/2017, 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM, Room 203CD
    • OS06.06 - A Secure, Online, Interactive, and Revocable Personal Health Record System (ID 21)

      Saeed Samet, Faculty of Medicine ( and Computer Science), Memorial University; St. John's/CA

      • Abstract
      • Slides

      Purpose/Objectives: To design and implement an online, interactive PHR system by considering security and privacy of people as the data owners, as well as the right and ability to revoke access of any of their authorized health professionals. A proactive alert feature is also considered based on the person’s health needs and conditions, as well as the health alerts that become active by various agents from the person’s circle of care.

      Methodology/Approach: The PHR framework includes six agents; Authorization Server: handling registrations and authorizations; Decentralized Trusted Authority: securely generating and transmitting secret keys upon valid requests; Revocation Server: issueing decryption tokens and maintaining Revocation List; Storage Provider: providing storage service; Patient: health data owner; Health Professional: accessing to patient data with proper authorization in a hierarchical structure. PHR System Model: <img alt="phr-model.png" annotation="" id="image://9" src="" title="phr-model.png" /> Sample Screenshots: <img alt="app_reg.png" annotation="" id="image://10" src="" title="app_reg.png" />

      Finding/Results: The proposed PHR system is in the development phase. Currently, the prototype and simulation of the mobile application with the fundamental features and necessary agents, such as trusted security, cloud storage and revocation server have been designed and developed. The next steps would be developing the interactive features and initial testing of the system, and extending the system to desktop version, using the same backend of the system. Then a complete integration and system testing of the whole software will be performed before deployment of the system.

      Conclusion/Implication/Recommendations: We are developing an online, secure and revocable PHR system, by which people securely store their health data and sharing with their caregivers. It provides people the capability to delegate their role to other persons in case of inability to perform required actions. The system has a proactive alert feature to give people and their caregivers the ability to set thresholds based on health statuses. This addition arms the system with autonomous interactive feature for automatic communication by sending and receiving instant messages.

      140 Character Summary: An online, secure, interactive, and revocable Personal Health Record (PHR) system has been designed and implemented to be used by patients and their circle of cares.

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  • OS11 - Diversity in Implementation (ID 17)

    • Event: e-Health 2017 Virtual Meeting
    • Type: Oral Session
    • Track: Clinical and Executive
    • Presentations: 1
    • Coordinates: 6/06/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Room 205D
    • OS11.06 - A Secure e-Prescribing System Based on NFC (ID 55)

      Saeed Samet, Faculty of Medicine ( and Computer Science), Memorial University; St. John's/CA

      • Abstract
      • Slides

      Purpose/Objectives: The main purpose of this proposal is to introduce a secure e-Prescribing system, which can create digital format prescriptions and transmit them to pharmacies. This system has some features including preserving the privacy of both patients and physicians, decreasing the number of medication errors occurring in traditional paper-based prescribing, checking patients’ allergies and reviewing adverse drug reactions before prescribing.

      Methodology/Approach: The proposed e-prescribing system is using cryptographic tools such as proxy signatures, group signatures and a well-known wireless communication technology, Near Filed Technology (NFC). Using of these digital signatures is intended to hide the real identities of patients and physicians from pharmacies and drug companies to preserve their privacy. Group signature is set up by a trusted group manager to use by physicians for signing prescriptions. The group manager is able to revoke signatures of physicians in case of any future disputes. This group signature is adopted from the short group signature. Proxy signature is using by the patient in order to sign the prescription and delegate her right to other qualified parties. The proposed system is implemented as a mobile application to benefit from NFC technology as a proof of identity when collecting prescriptions at pharmacies.

      Finding/Results: Results include a mobile application for the patient and a web-based application for the group manager, physicians, pharmacies and insurance companies. Each of these entities can log into the system and based on their roles they have different panels with different menu options to choose. The mobile application is used by the patient to see her prescription, verify its content, and then sign and send it to the pharmacy.

      Conclusion/Implication/Recommendations: Because of several difficulties and privacy concerns for both patients and physicians in the traditional paper-based prescription, it is necessary to think about using digital technologies in prescribing to improve the old-fashioned means of prescribing. This proposal introduces one of these systems, which can prevent medication errors and preserve the privacy of the users.

      140 Character Summary: This proposal introduces an e-prescribing system, which can create digital prescriptions and transmit them to pharmacies while preserving privacy of users.

      Only Active Members that have purchased this event or have registered via an access code will be able to view this content. To view this presentation, please login or select "Add to Cart" and proceed to checkout.