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Fiona Fiddick
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OS29 - Realizing the Promise of "Big" Data (ID 34)
- Event: e-Health 2017 Virtual Meeting
- Type: Oral Session
- Track: Clinical and Executive
- Presentations: 1
- Coordinates: 6/07/2017, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM, Room 203CD
OS29.06 - Leveraging Data to Drive Improvement: Reducing Residential Care Bed Turnaround Time (ID 253)
Fiona Fiddick, Vancouver Island health Authority; Victoria/CA
- Abstract
Purpose/Objectives: There is wide variation in vacancy turnaround times (TAT) for residential care (RC) beds in Vancouver Island health Authority (VIHA). This is an access and flow issue for patients awaiting RC. By combining analytic tools with process improvement methodologies TAT can be reduced resulting in smoother flow, timelier access and enhanced patient safety and experience. This project demonstrates how analytics and reporting systems can drive process improvements in healthcare.
Methodology/Approach: By using the Strata IQ reporting system and Lean Healthcare methodology the project team reviewed RC bed TAT across all owned and operated RC facilities. Two facilities (sites a and b) were selected for the pilot based on sponsor input and notable TAT variation between the sites. The regional TAT target is 4 days. Pre Improvement TAT for site (a) was 1.3 days, and site (b) was 11.1 days; a difference of 9.8 days. Quality and Patient Safety consultants engaged operational stakeholders at both sites to evaluate current state workflows and processes. The project team constructed two current state process maps from consultative sessions with management and staff. Processes, roles, responsibilities and challenges were defined, and improvement opportunities were identified. Differences in demand demographics and workflows between the pilot site and others were considered. RC facilities then reviewed improvement recommendations and worked with the pilot sites to identify revalent process measures, targets and standard work. Facility specific process measures varied due to differences in demographics, specialized care models, resources, and workplace culture. Strata IQ was used to report TAT as the primary outcome measure for the project.
Finding/Results: Overall, vacancy TAT improved by 2.1 days regionally. Site (a) reported a 0.3 day increase in TAT, and site (b) reported a 6.4 day decrease in TAT (a 58% favorable reduction). Routine performance audits and continuous improvement efforts targeting vacancy TAT are ongoing.
Conclusion/Implications/Recommendations: By leveraging data and reporting systems, variable processes in multiple RC facilities were standardized with consequent reductions in bed TAT. This resulted in improved access for patients and families and better provider experience in some instances. Results suggest that the use of analytics and reporting systems can help drive improvement in healthcare and should be a topic of future research.
140 Character Summary: This project describes how VIHA was able to reduce Residential Care bed Turn Around Time by 2.1 days using data and reporting systems to drive process.